Located on the northwest edge of the city, Woodland Heights Cemetery stretches along a beautiful rolling countryside that makes up the beginnings of the Crowley’s Ridge foothills as they enter the city limits.
Everyone in the community agrees that Woodland Heights is one of the most beautiful and best-maintained cemeteries in the region. The cemetery is owned by the city and operated by commission members. Woodland Heights Board members are: Steve Simmons, President; Cheri Boyd, Secretary/Treasurer; Nathan Henderson, Barbara Robertson, Hae Sue Weber members.
The cemetery is operated on a sound financial basis, with all proceeds from the annual Labor Day Picnic going toward its maintenance.
Approximately 6451 are buried in the cemetery, including some 814 veterans. The Rector Veterans of Foreign Wars post conducts a Memorial Day service each year at Woodland Heights.
For information locating graves in Woodland Heights Cemetery click on this link: /graves-locations-and-information.html